Tubal Recanalization

Fallopian tubes are essential part of female reproductive system, these tubes connect ovaries and uterus. When ovary releases an egg, it travels into the fallopian tube. The sperm also travels into fallopian tube and fertilization takes place. The embryo which is formed by this union is then transported to the uterus. So, any kind of blockage in fallopian tubes make pregnancy difficult, this blockage can be natural or surgically done that is Tubal ligation, a surgically procedure of permanent birth control in women..

Many non-surgical methods are available for treating natural blockage but tubal ligation need to be reversed through laparoscopic procedure. Even after this procedure function of ovaries with determine whether the person will conceive or not. Success of recanalization can only be done if length of fallopian tubes is adequate after sterilization process, that means fallopian tubes are long enough to be reattached.

Tubal Recanalization is laparoscopic procedure to reverse tubal ligation, in this small incision in made just below the naval, through which a lighted camera is inserted. Then special instrument is inserted which unties the fallopian tubes and its ends are reattached allowing fallopian tubes to work normally.

After this process patient will feel some discomfort which will be normal in some days and you can resume your normal life within 10 to 15 days.