Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

A Hysterectomy is surgical procedure done on female reproductive system, it is one of the major procedures where uterus is removed, and sometimes depending upon how critical the problem is along with uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervix are also removed. Women who undergo hysterectomy will no longer be able to get pregnant, have periods irrespective of their age. Various health problems which require hysterectomy are heavy and abnormal bleeding, long term pelvic pain, non-cancerous tumours(fibroids), or cancer related to reproduction system.

Laparoscopic hysterectomy is advancement of abdominal hysterectomy (traditional open surgery). This procedure is less painful, less risky, chances of infection are very less, recovery is faster and cuts are smaller than traditional method. In this procedure a thin flexible tube with lighted video camera at one end is inserted through small cuts made in the abdomen near the naval. After this with help of special instrument inserted through other incisions the uterus is removed in sections either through laparoscopic tubes or through vagina. These days robot assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy is also done in which instruments are inserted using robotic arm and controlled by computer.

Different types of Hysterectomy are:

Type of hysterectomy to be performed depend upon affected part pf reproduction system, Doctors always try to save maximum parts of the system.

  • Total Hysterectomy, in this uterus and cervix (neck of uterus /womb) are removed. This is most common type of hysterectomy performed
  • Subtotal Hysterectomy, in this main body of uterus is removed and cervix is left in place.
  • Total Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy, here the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries are removed.
  • Radical Hysterectomy, in this the uterus and its surrounding tissues along with fallopian tubes, part of vagina, ovaries, lymph gland and fatty tissues are removed